more investment in grassroots facilities and better access for females.provision of equal access to school sports for girls.the game's governing bodies to work with broadcasters to create a new dedicated time slot.the lack of diversity to be addressed across the women's game, in on-pitch and off-pitch roles.professionalisation across the top two tiers to attract and develop the best players in the world.restoration of the talent pathway needed to create future generations of standards for players, fans, staff, and everyone in the women's game.
It stated: 'Our attention will be on making them a reality, and holding the football industry to account for their success.' The government response added that the recommendations 'are the right blueprint for the future of women's football'. 'I am confident this continued work and determination can propel the women's game even further, setting the standard for women's sport as a whole,' she said. She says this is a 'defining moment' for women's football. It also wanted a new regular broadcast slot to be made available.Ĭulture Secretary Lucy Frazer has urged the Football Association and stakeholders to 'set a new standard for women's sport'.